Quick Start

Quick Start

New to Duper? This page will get you up to speed in no time.

What is Duper?

Duper is a 5-player free-for-all social war game with real money prizes. Imagine a game where you strategize like TFT, trade like Catan, deceive like Among Us, and play cards like Poker—that's Duper in a nutshell, and people love it. A game session typically lasts 25-40 minutes. There's a free-to-play mode, but the real fun comes with real money entry fees and prizes.

Check out this video by Aesah, Teamfight Tactics Rank 1 Challenger in every Set and now an avid Duper player:

When can I play?

  • Ranked (0.005 ETH min entry): 4+ windows hosted per week. Stay tuned on the game website.
  • Casual (100 Sparks min entry): Open a few hours per day. Specific time may vary—check game website.
  • Custom: Open 24/7. Play with friends and/or practice with AI agents.
  • Playground: Open 24/7. Start here if you're new.

More game windows are coming soon. Learn more about the game modes here.

How do I get started?

Create an account on the game website (opens in a new tab). Play the Playground and try to beat the AI. Don't be frustrated if you fail in the first try—many do. Check out the "How to Pass Playground" video on our YouTube if needed.

Then, play some Casual games. Pay particular attention to diplomacy and the role of gems, the most critical resource in Duper. When you're ready, transfer some Arbitrum ETH into your Privy wallet and deposit it into the game contract to play a Ranked game. Buy a season pass for a variety of rewards.

Two most helpful resources recommended by our community: YouTube (opens in a new tab) video guides, and game rules in the Wiki up next. That said, playing is still by far the best way to learn.

How do I win?

Own 11 tiles or hold a 5-card straight flush (see Cards section) for one round to win and end a game.

How do I earn?

Hold lots of the eventual winner's gems. But wait—it's not so simple.

Winning and earning are two different concepts in Duper, and winning is just one way to earn. After someone wins, the prize pool is divided as follows:

  1. The winner first takes out an amount worth their entry fee from the pool. As a result, the winner is guaranteed not to lose money.
  2. The remaining pool is divided in proportion to how many winner-minted gems each player owns.

To maximize your ownership of the eventual winner's gems, either win yourself through meeting one of the Victory Conditions, or make a judgment on which player(s) are most likely to win and solicit plenty of their gems through trading.

Any other tips for a new player?

Check out the "Learn" page on the game website.

I don't have ETH on Abstract yet. How do I play?

Start with Playground, Casual, or Custom mode—all three can be played for free.

To play Ranked mode or buy an item, check out how to bridge ETH over to Abstract on their website (opens in a new tab).